In this article, we will review the case when it is required to migrate Master projects with two and more levels of nested Subprojects.
1. Open FluentBooks Download Project to FPP files wizard.

2. Provide the source PWA URL and credentials.
3. Check the checkboxes of the master project(s) and their subproject(s) and download them following the steps in the wizard.

4. When the projects are downloaded, open the Upload Projects from the FPP files wizard.

5. On the first step of the wizard provide the target PWA URL and credentials.
To upload these projects preserving their hierarchy, it is required to upload each level of hierarchy separately, starting from the lowest:
a) First, it is required to upload subprojects of the lowest level. On the first step of the wizard check the Show subprojects checkbox and uncheck the Upload subprojects before master checkbox.

Click Next to proceed and select the subproject(s) of the lowest level only for upload.

Click Next and upload the selected subproject(s) to the target PWA.
b) After that upload subproject(s) of the second (higher) level.
For this purpose open the Upload projects from FPP files wizard again, provide the target PWA URL and credentials. Check the Show subprojects option and uncheck the Upload subprojects before the master option.
Click Next to proceed. Select the subproject(s) of the second (higher) level only.

Click Next and upload the project(s) to the target PWA.
c) Finally, upload the Master project of the first level.
For this purpose open the Upload projects from FPP files wizard again, provide the target PWA URL and credentials. Uncheck the Show subprojects option and also uncheck the Upload subprojects before the master option. If you leave the Show subprojects option on, it will also work.
Select the Master project of the highest level and click Next to upload it to the target PWA.

When the upload is completed, open your target PWA and check that the projects were uploaded correctly.