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'The argument value is not valid' error on import project with FluentBooks


While importing project with FluentBooks, you may get the following error:

 ERROR Project "Test Project" import error
(Exception) TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 at FluentPro.OfficeInterop.Helpers.COMAction.CallWithRetry(Func`1 func, Int32 retryCount, Int32 retryDelay)
 at FluentPro.OfficeInterop.MSProject.MSProjectApplication.FileOpenEx(String projectName, BooleanopenAsReadOnly,PjPoolOpenpoolOpen)
 at FluentPro.FluentBooks.WizardControllers.DownloadProjectsToFppFilesWizardController.DownloadProjectToFppFile(ProjectInfo project, String fppFilePath, PSDataProvider provider, ElementDetail elementDetail)
 at FluentPro.FluentBooks.WizardControllers.DownloadProjectsToFppFilesWizardController.LoadProjectsData(AuthenticationType auth, String url, String login, String password)
 (Exception) COMException: The argument value is not valid 


This issue may indicate to corrupted local cache in Project Pro.


1. Clean Cache from Project Pro. To do that, go to File → Options → Save → Clean Up Cache.

2. We would also recommend cleaning the following folder before starting the migration.

%Appdata%\Microsoft\MS Project\16\Cache

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