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How to manage access to G.A. Suite via Enterprise Azure AD Application

Use case: This approach is recommended if the organization would like to manage access to G.A. Suite from Active Directory, restricting the access not authorized by Tenant Global Administrator. The Administrators can enforce a single sign-on authentication method or set conditional access for users. 

Please note: If this approach is used, the users added to the Azure Active Directory G.A. Suite application will need to access G.A. Suite from the https://myapplications.microsoft.com page. If you need your users to use a single sign-on option, they may open and easily access G.A. Suite by this link: https://gas.fluentpro.com/Account/SSOLogin?provider=Microsoft

Adding G.A. Suite app to Azure Active Directory

To add the G.A. Suite application to Azure Active Directory perform the following: 

1. Open Azure Active Directory => Enterprise applications => All applications => New application

2. Search for the FluentPro G.A. Suite application. 

3. Open the G.A. Suite application and click the 'Sign up for FluentPro G.A. Suite' button.

4. Sign up for G.A. Suite using your Office 365 account. 

5. Click Accept to grant G.A. Suite the required permissions. 

6. Open Azure Active Directory => Enterprise applications => All applications and search for the G.A. Suite application you installed and open it.

7. Open 'Properties' and set the 'User assignment required' option to Yes. Click Save

Please note: This step is optional. If you need to manage access directly through the G.A. Suite Enterprise AD Application this setting should be on. If you just need to set up a conditional policy or single sign-on for users, this step can be skipped and the 'User assignment required' option can be set to No. 

8. Open Users and Groups and add users you want to give access to the G.A. Suite application by clicking the 'Add users/group' button. 

Select the required users and click Assign. The users will be added to the Azure Active Directory G.A. suite application. 

All users added via Active Directory should also be added to the G.A. Suite application itself. 

Inviting users to G.A. Suite

When G.A. Suite is added to the Azure Active Directory, you can invite users to your G.A. Suite tenant and set up permissions for each user. 

For this, open the G.A. Suite application => Account Permissions.

Click Invite

Provide the user's email, first name, and last name. Click Invite

You can now grant this user the required permissions either globally or per PWA. 

Please refer to the Account Permissions article for more details. 

Also, user account access can be managed via Azure Active Directory. If the user is deleted from the Active Directory G.A. Suite application, such a user will lose access to G.A. Suite on condition that the 'User assignment required' option is set to Yes".

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