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'Unable to find project' and/or 'Unable to find site' error

In this article, we will review the case when the 'Unable to find project' and/or 'Unable to find site' error occurs. 


The backup launched by schedule is completed with errors. When you open the Backup Summary page from the Operation Details page, you can see the 'Unable to find project' and/or 'Unable to find site' error under certain project(s) and/or site(s). 


The project(s) or the site(s) under which you can see the error message were deleted from the PWA. However, this project(s) and/or site(s) are still present in the list of the G.A. Suite Scheduling profile. During the backup, G.A. Suite tries to find this project(s) and/or site(s) and as they are no longer present on the PWA, the error occurs. 


To solve this issue it is required to open the G.A. Suite Scheduling profile and refresh the list of the projects and sites from your PWA that need to be backed up. 

Open the G.A. Suite Scheduling profile with the project(s) and/or site(s) in question. 

Scroll down to the Operations -> Project Plans section -> click on the Selected option -> click on the number link. 

The list of projects will be loaded giving you the warning that certain projects were deleted from the PWA. Click Add Selected to continue. 

If you need to select All projects, projects by the Modified date, or any other option, then just close the window after the list of projects is loaded and select the required option. 

Make sure to scroll down and click Save to apply the changes to the Scheduling profile. 

Perform the same with the list of the SharePoint sites. 

Alternatively, you can open the Data Protection page -> Backup Now -> click on the pencil-like button next to the project plans and/or SharePoint sites -> click Selected -> click on the number link and load the actual list of projects/sites. When the list is loaded and refreshed, you can just close the Backup Now window. 

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