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Monday.com -> Planner migration supported entities

In this article, we will review Monday.com -> Microsoft Planner and Monday.com -> Planner (basic plans) supported entities for migration.

Monday.com -> Microsoft Planner / Planner (basic plans) migration supported entities: 

Source system entities


Target system entities


Boards: Main, Private, Shareable


Planner Plans and Microsoft 365 groups

Now Microsoft 365 groups and Plans are created as Public ones.

Board Groups



Board Items


Plan tasks

Board Subitems


Plan tasks

Now Board Subitems are migrated as a separate Board to a Plan, separately from main items

Item field/column values


Task field values

Please refer to the list of supported source and target item fields below




Users are not migrated but mapped with the target users. Necessary users should already exist in the target tenant.

User item assignments


Plan task user assignments

Mapped users, assigned to items in the source Board, will be added as members to the corresponding target Plan and Microsoft 365 group



Microsoft 365 groups

Teams of users are not migrated separately as Microsoft 365 groups.

Team item assignments


Plan task user assignments

Mapped users from the Teams, assigned to items in the migrated Board, will be added as members to the corresponding target Plan and Microsoft 365 group

Board Members & Subscribers


Microsoft 365 group and Plan members

The corresponding users should already exist in the target tenant

Board ownership


Plan ownership

Plan ownership will be set to the Planner migration account used for creating Plans

Board permissions


Microsoft 365 group and Plan permissions

User permissions and access are defined by user membership in the corresponding Microsoft 365 group and Plan

Board Activity log & Updates





Microsoft 365 groups

Microsoft 365 groups can be created using Workspace names if the corresponding Group Creation Mode is selected in the Migration Settings.

Workspace Members


Microsoft 365 group members




Not supported in the target system




Not supported in the target system

Board Views



Not supported in the target system

Archived Boards



Boards/entities from the Recycle Bin



Integrations & Automations



Not supported in the target system

Settings & Admin settings



 Supported Source and Target Item Fields:

Source Item Fields


Target Item Fields


Name field


Title field
Notes field

People field


Assignments field

Timeline field (Timerange-from, Timerange-to fields)


Start Date field
Due Date field

Timeline source field corresponds to two separate fields in the Item Field Mapping - Timeline Start (Timerange-from) and Timeline Finish (Timerange-to) fields

Date field


Start Date field
Due Date field

Status (Color) field


Progress/Percent Completed field
Priority field
Notes field
Title field

Text field


Title field
Notes field

Long Text field


Title field
Notes field

Numbers field


Progress/Percent Completed field Priority field

Files field


Attachments field

Link field


Attachments field

Rating field


Priority field 

Date + Status (Date Combo)


Start Date field
Due Date field
Progress/Percent Completed field Priority field
Notes field

Date and Status fields are mapped and migrated separately

Timeline + Status (Timeline Combo)


Start Date field
Due Date field Progress/Percent Completed field Priority field
Notes field

Timeline Start, Timeline Finish, and Status fields are mapped and migrated separately

Progress Tracking field (Progress battery)


Progress/Percent Completed field

Not supported due to the source system API limitation

Creation Log field


Created By
Creation date & time

Planner migration account will be set in the Created By field of a new task.

Creation date & time will be set to the date when a task was created during the migration.

Last Updated field


Last Changed By Last Changed time

Planner migration account will be set in the Last Changed By field of a new task or an existing task that was updated during the migration.

Last Changed time will be set to the time when the migration was performed, and a task was updated.

Status (Color) field



Item Updates (‘Start Conversation’ section)


Comments The comments are merged: 10 source comments will be merged into one target. 

Item Info Boxes (Notes, Files, Q&A)


Notes field Attachments Comments

Item Notes and Files are migrated from the corresponding item fields/columns

The comments are merged: 10 source comments will be merged into one target. 

Item Activity Log (‘Start Conversation’ section)



Mirror field



Connect Boards field



Checkbox field



World Clock field



Item ID field



Phone field



Location field



Tags field



Vote field



Auto Number field






Dependency field



Dropdown field



Week field



Formula field



Country field



Color Picker field



Time Tracking field



Hour field



Email field



Checklist field + +

Have any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us via live chat or at support@fluentpro.com

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