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How to create task custom fields in Project for the web

In this article, we will review how to create task custom fields in Project for the web. 

You may need to create new custom fields in Project for the web when you perform the migration from Project Online (or Asana) to Project for the web and map task fields from Project Online (or Asana) to Project for the web. If there is no required field in your Project for the web environment, you can create it from the mapping page in Project Migrator. 

In this article, we will review how to create custom fields on the example of Project Online -> Project for the web scenario, but the steps are the same for Asana -> Project for the web. 

To create custom fields it is required to generate a Token when establishing a connection to your Project for the web account. Please refer to the 'How to generate a token' article for more information 

To create a new custom field in Project for the web perform the following: 

1. Scroll down to the Task Field Mapping step. Click the Create Custom Field button at the bottom of this section. 

2. In the 'New Field' window select the field type:

  • Text
  • Date
  • Number (rollup type can be also selected)
  • Yes/No
  • Choice (allows creating necessary values (max 25 choice options))

3. Type in the field name. Click Proceed

Please note: Only 10 task custom fields can be created from the Project Migrator mapping page in Project for the web (due to the Project for the web limitation that does not allow creating more than10 custom task fields per project). 

If the migration is performed to an existing project that already has some fields created, only the first fields will be created to have a max of 10 fields per project.

If the field with the same name already exists, it will not be possible to create such a field. 

4. When the field is created, you can map it to the required custom field from Project Online. 

To delete mapping for the selected field click on the ellipsis button and select the Delete mapping option. 

Please note: The custom field will not be deleted from the Project for web, only the mapping will be deleted and these fields will not be taken into account during migration. You can then add this field for mapping again if needed by clicking the Add mapping button. 

If you need to delete the custom field from Project for the web or edit this field, open the menu and select the Edit target field option. 

The field will be opened for editing. Delete field option here allows deleting this field from Project for the web. 



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