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Connections to Custom Databases

EPM Pulse provides a possibility to connect to custom databases, so that widgets can consume data from those databases.

Limited support in Project Online. Please contact FluentPro Support at support@fluentpro.com for details.

To add a new connection:

  1. Open PWA where EPM Pulse is installed.
  2. Open Site Actions → View All Site Content (for Project Server 2010) or Gear → Site Content (for Project Server 2013).
  3. Open EPMPulse Data Connections list.
  4. Create a new item in the list with the following information: 
Field Value
Title Any alphanumeric string without spaces, except reserved words: Reporting, Published, Trending, OData.
Connection Custom database connection string in the format Data Source=SQLServerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName
CredentialsRef Target Application ID of secure store record containing credentials for accessing custom database. 

Once connection is added you can use it in widgets the same way as the built-in data sources by adding data connection Title as a data source key. For example, 

<DataSourcesList xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic">
<d2p1:value>context.SQLQuery = "select * from CustomTable";</d2p1:value>

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