EPM Pulse performs data synchronization of the three Project Site lists: Issues, Risks and Deliverables by default.
SharePoint Lists Synchronization allows performing data synchronization of custom Lists as well.
In order to perform SharePoint Lists Data Synchronization:
1. Select the Data Management option from the EPM Pulse Settings menu

2. Click the Manage button next to the data connection for which you want to perform SharePoint Lists Data Synchronization.

3. The list name should be entered in the Synchronized SharePoint lists section:
- for lists located in root PWA site specify the list name as is - e.g. Test List;
- for lists located in Project Sites specify the list name with */ prefix - e.g. */Test List;
- If you need to perform sync for several lists at a time, please use ‘ ; ’ delimiter to split List titles, i.e. Custom List 1; Custom List 2; */Custom List 3.

4. Click Save button.

5. Press the Refresh Data button to perform Data Synchronization.

SharePoint Lists data location
When synchronized, SharePoint List items data is written to the SPListItem table in the EPM Pulse database. Please use SPWebUrl and SPListTitle columns to determine the source list for the list item record.