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How to switch from an existing Integration Hub instance to Azure SQL

In this article, we will review the case when you have already configured the on-premises Integration Hub application and need to change the On-premises SQL Server selected in the 'Configure Database section' to the Azure SQL Server. 

To change the SQL Server to the Azure SQL Server perform the following: 

1. Navigate to the Integration Hub installation file that you have received from FluentPro Team and used to install Integration Hub On-Premises.

2. Open the installation file (the file was provided in the following format: Integration Hub.{BuildNumber}.msi) and run it.

3. Go to the FluentPro Integration Hub Configuration screen => Configure Database section.

4. In the SQL Server Connection Details section enter Azure SQL Server Instance.

5. In the Authentication section сhoose SQL Server authentication mode and set up credentials that Integration Hub will be using to connect to Azure SQL Server on an everyday basis. 

The credentials specified will be stored in a customer’s Azure SQL database. These credentials will be used by the Integration Hub application to access the database.

6. In the Provision Database Account section select SQL Server Account and provide credentials of Azure SQL Server Admin account, that you have chosen during Azure SQL Server instance creation in Azure Portal. This account will only be used to provision new databases during the installation/upgrade process.

7. Next, open Microsoft Azure => SQL databases and open Integration Hub_Config

 8. Open the Connection strings section and copy the whole string to the Notepad.

9. In the Notepad, change the 'User ID' and 'Password' to the credentials you have provided in the Integration Hub Configuration screen => Configure Database section =>  Authentication section, save it. 

10. Next, open the Integration Hub 'web.config' file on your PC: C:\Program Files\FluentPro Software\Integration Hub\Web => web.config. 

11. Find the Connection String section. 

Please note: To edit and then save the web.config file, the Notepad should be opened with an admin account. 

12. Select and delete the text line in the double quotes after the "ConfigureConnection" connectionStrings=

13. Open the Notepad where you have previously saved the Connection string from SQL databases changing the User ID and Password. 

Copy the whole connection string and paste it into the web.config file => double quotes after the "ConfigureConnection" connectionStrings= line.

14. Select and delete the text line in the double quotes after the "LogsDBConnecton" connectionString= line.

15. Open the Notepad where you have previously saved the Connection string from SQL databases changing the User ID and Password. 

Copy the whole connection string and paste it into the web.config file => double quotes after the "LogsDBConnecton" connectionString= line.

16. In the line that you have pasted in the double quotes after the "LogsDBConnecton" connectionString=, find the 'Initial Catalog=IntegrationHub_Config' line and change it to 'Catalog=IntegrationHub_Logs' line.  

Save these changes in the web.config file. 

Please note: If you have used custom Database names for Configuration and Logs databases on step 4, you need to use those custom Database names in your connection strings instead. 

Copy the whole ConnectionStrings section and close the web.config file.

17. Next, open the Pip.JobProcessor.exe.config file on your PC: C:\Program Files\FluentPro Software\Integration Hub\Service => Pip.JobProcessor.exe.config. 

Scroll down to the ConnectionStrings section, delete it and paste the ConnectionStrings section copied previously from the web.config file. 

Save the Pip.JobProcessor.exe.config file with these changes. 

18. Open the Windows Services on your PC and Restart Integration Hub Connectors starting from FluentPro Integration Hub System Connector

Please note: The migration of on-premises SQL data into Azure SQL is out of scope of FluentPro services and should be performed on your side if needed (following the steps described in the Microsoft documentation).

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