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Trello -> Planner migration supported entities

All information in this article applies to the Trello -> MS Planner and Trello -> Planner (basic plans) migration scenarios. 

Source System Entities


Target System Entities


Workspaces: Private, Public


Microsoft 365 groups

Microsoft 365 groups are created with the source Workspace names if the corresponding Group Creation Mode is selected in the Migration Settings.

Workspace Members


Microsoft 365 group members

Source Workspace Members are added as members to Microsoft 365 groups if the corresponding Group Creation Mode is selected in the Migration Settings. The users should already exist in the target tenant and be mapped.




Users themselves are not migrated but mapped with the target users. Necessary users should already exist in the target tenant.

Boards: Public, Organization, Workspace Visible, Private, Personal


Planner Plans and Microsoft 365 groups

Now Microsoft 365 groups and Plans are created as Public ones.

Closed Boards


Planner Plans and Microsoft 365 groups


Board Lists


Plan Buckets


Board Cards


Plan tasks


Card field values


Task field values

Please refer to the list of supported source and target item fields below

User card assignments


Plan task user assignments

Mapped users, assigned to items in the source Board, will be added as members to the corresponding target Plan and Microsoft 365 group

Board Members 

(Workspace Members and Guests)


Microsoft 365 group and Plan members

The corresponding users should already exist in the target tenant and be mapped.

Board Admins


Microsoft 365 group and Plan owners

Group and Plan ownership will be set to the Planner migration account used for creating Plans

Workspace and Board settings and permissions


Microsoft 365 group and Plan settings and permissions

User permissions and access are defined by user membership in the corresponding Microsoft 365 group and Plan

Board Activity log 




Board Views



Not supported in the target system

Archived Board Items (Lists, Cards)




Butler Automations



Not supported in the target system

Board Power-Ups



Power-Ups themselves are not supported in the target system. However, the data added to the cards with Power-Ups may be migrated, e.g. data added with the ‘Custom Fields’ Power-Up, and the ones used for adding attachments and links.


Supported Source and Target Item Fields

Source Card Fields


Target Task Fields


List name


  • Bucket name


Title field


  • Title field 
  • Notes field


Members field 


  • Assignments field 


Start Date field


  • Start Date field


Due Date field


  • Due Date field


Complete checkbox


  • Progress/Percent Completed field


Description field


  • Notes field
  • Title field


Attachments section(s)


  • Attachments 




  • Checklist




  • Label



+  ̶ 

  • Attachments

Cover image is migrated if it is added to the Attachments in the source card



  • Last Changed By
  • Last Changed time

Target Planner migration account will be set in the Last Changed By field of a new task or an existing task that was updated during the migration.

Last Changed time will be set to the time when the migration was performed, and a task was updated.



  • Comments

The comments are merged: 10 source comments will be merged into one target. 

Supported Custom Fields Added with the ‘Custom Fields’ Power-Up

Checkbox field


  • Progress/Percent Completed field


Text field


  • Title field 
  • Notes field 


Number field


  • Progress/Percent Completed field
  • Priority field


Dropdown field


  • Progress/Percent Completed field
  • Priority field


Date field


  • Start Date field
  • Due Date field



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