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Connection account requirements for Dataverse

For Backup operations:

The connection account for Dataverse backup should meet the following requirements:

  1. The account should be a user of the tenant and the Power Platform Environment where Dataverse tables are located.
  2. The account should have a Security Role in the Environment that allows reading and writing data to all tables and related tables which have to be backed up and restored, e.g.: default security role System Administrator or custom roles with Read permissions to all necessary tables enabled.
  3. The account should have Read-Write or Non-interactive Access Mode to the Power Platform Environment enabled. 

For Restore operations:

The connection account for Dataverse restore should meet the following requirements:

  1. The account should be a user of the tenant and the Power Platform Environment where Dataverse tables are located.
  2. The account should have a Security Role in the Environment that allows reading and writing data to all tables and related tables which have to be backed up and restored, e.g.: default security role System Administrator or custom roles with Read, Create and Write permissions to all necessary tables enabled.
  3. The account should have Read-Write or Non-interactive Access Mode to the Power Platform Environment enabled. 

To connect to Dataverse for the first time, Microsoft 365 tenant Global Administrator consent is required to allow FluentPro Backup to access your Microsoft 365 tenant.

Admin consent should be granted only once before adding the first Dataverse connection account. Once consent is granted, any user account credentials that meet the requirements can be used for connecting to your Dataverse environment.

FluentPro Backup application for Dataverse connection will be added to Microsoft 365 tenant.

The following API permissions will be granted:

  • Microsoft Graph: User.Read
  • Microsoft Graph: offline_access
  • Dataverse (Common Data Service): user_impersonation

FluentPro Backup will have the following permissions for reading (backup) and writing (restore) Dataverse data:

  • Maintain access to data you have given it access to;
  • Access Common Data Service (CDS) as organization users;
  • Read, write and create records in the Dataverse tables that the connection account has access to. 


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