In this article, we will review how to configure the firewall on customer-side Azure Storage. For this, FluentPro subnets must be added to FluentPro Backup storage.
The following steps should be executed in the same Azure subscription where the storage for FluentPro Backup is provisioned. The account with the necessary permissions to manage networking on the storage should be used.
1. Go to Azure Portal, navigate to the top right corner, and click on the Cloud Shell icon.
2. Switch Azure Cloud Shell to the subscription, where the storage account is provisioned:
az account set -s <NAME_OR_ID_OF_THE_SUBSCRIPTION>
3. Execute the commands in PowerShell Cloud Shell for the region where the customer's FluentPro Backup tenant is provisioned.
The commands can be found in the FluentPro Backup tenant on the Storage Settings page:
- When adding Custom Azure Storage. Once the Account Name is defined, the link to the instructions will appear.
- When Custom Azure Storage is added and selected, the message with the instructions link will appear on the Storage Settings page.
- When Editing Custom Azure Storage.
4. Click on the Instructions link. Select Environment type to get the script. Copy the commands and run them in the Azure CLI.