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Jobs Tab

Jobs tab represents information on each separate job that was performed by DataMart. 

Jobs tab represents information on:

1. Tenant is the tenant name. 

2. Data Connection Name is the connection name and PWA URL the job was processed for. 

3. Action is the name of the job, that was performed. 

4. Status is the status of the job that can be New, InProgress, Completed, Error. 

5. Priority is the priority of the job is defined by DataMart automatically. 

6. Initiator shows if the job was scheduled or performed by a user. 

7. Created Date is the date and time when the job was started. 

8. Updated Date shows when the job was finished. 

The following options are available:  

Refresh allows refreshing the list of the jobs performed by DataMart. 

Disable Job Processing will cancel all jobs which are currently in progress. 

View Logs allows viewing a detailed log for a needed job.  

Please note: You can export the log to an Excel file. See the article for more details. 

Retry option allows restarting of those jobs which are in Error status.

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