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How to restore data to Monday.com

In this article, we will review how to restore data from the created backup. 

There are two pages where you can launch the restore process, Operation Details and Data Protection. 

Data Protection page allows quickly restoring the required board. It is also possible to open the full backup summary and select more data to restore. 

To launch the restore of a single board, perform the following: 

1. Open the Data Protection page and select the board you need to restore right now. 

You can select to review all backups of the board on the page or select to review only Completed or Failed backups using the buttons at the bottom of this section. 

Use the date range option to select the required date for the state in which you need to restore the board. Use the Search option to find the needed Board/Workspace/Teams/Users by name. Also, you can sort the columns by Project title or the Workspace. 

Click on the completed backup status of the required board, the Backup Summary page will be opened. You can review the information for the selected backup of a single board and resource it at once by clicking the Restore button. 

Choose the restore parameters and click the Restore Now button. 

To select more data for restore click the Full Backup Summary option. 

Review the summary for the backup and click the Restore button at the bottom. 

The Restore summary page will be opened, click 'Restore' and select the boards you need to restore from this backup. 

Click on the pencil-like button next to each element to select data. 

Select the restore mode:

With the 'Restore a copy..' board mode selected a copy of the board will be created with the name 'Board name and backup date'. 

With the ‘Merge with an existing board or create new if does not exist’ restore mode selected, the existing Active boards will be found by name and ID, and merged. In case it is not found, or the board is Archived, a new board is created during restoration in the same workspace where it was located at the time of backup. If the board Workspace is not found either, or the restore account does not have access to create new boards there, a new Workspace is created with the board Name to add the board to it. 

In case an existing board is found by the same ID and Name, the board data is updated, merging with the data from the backup during the restore operation. See how the data will be updated: 

Board Element



Board Name

Board Name cannot be updated, it will remain the same as before the restore


Board Description is not updated or removed

Board Type

Board Type of an existing Board is not changed

Board Members, Guests


Missing users will be added to the Board Members and Guests from the backup. New Members that were added before the restore would not be removed

Board Owners


Missing users will be added to the Board Owners from the backup in case they are Active, Pending users will not be added. New Owners that were added before the restore would not be removed

Board Permissions

Board Permissions will not be changed

Board Views

Board Views will not be changed or removed

Board Groups

+ −

Missing groups will be created, existing groups will be found by ID. Group name, color will not be updated, Groups order may differ 

Board Items/Tasks


Missing items will be created, existing items will be found by name and ID. Item name and data will be updated. Items will be moved to their groups as in the backup.

New items created before the restore will not be removed

Item Subscribers

Item subscribers will not be added or removed

Item Updates

+ −

Missing Item Updates and Replies will be added, existing updates will not be removed or edited



Missing subitems will be created to their parent items, existing subitems will be found by name and ID. Subitem name and data will be updated.

New subitems created before the restore will not be removed. If a subitem is moved to another parent item, it will not be moved back, a new subitem will be created for the original parent item

Item changed to Subitem/
 Subitem changed to Item

+ −

A new item will be created, the subitem will not be removed/
A new subitem will be created instead, the item will remain 

Item Columns/Fields

+ −

Missing columns will be created, existing columns will be found by Name and Type. Column Description and Settings will not be removed or updated

Column Values

People column


Existing assignments will be removed, users and Teams will be added to the column as in the backup. Column settings will remain

Date, Timeline columns


Date, Timeline values will be set as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed

Text, Long Text columns


Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed

Status column


Those missing Status labels will be restored that are set to items. Labels will be set to items as in the backup. New labels will remain in the column but will be removed from items.
If any label is renamed, a new label will be created


Files column will be created if it is not found. Files will not be restored or removed



Links will be set as in the backup, new links will be removed



Missing values are restored, missing values will be set to items as in the backup. If any value is renamed, a new one will be created

Rating column


Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed. Column settings will remain



Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed. Column settings will remain



Values will be updated as in the backup

Connect Boards, Mirror, Dependencies

Values will not be restored or removed

World Clock, Week, Hour columns


Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed.

Country, Location columns


Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed.

Phone, Email columns


Existing values will be updated as in the backup, missing values will be added, values that are not in the backup will be removed.

Auto-number, Progress Tracking, Creation log, Last Updated, Item ID columns

Values for the columns are set automatically 

Formula, Time Tracking, Tags columns

Values will not be restored or removed

Button, Vote, Color Picker

Values will not be restored or removed

With the 'Delete board before restore' mode selected, the existing Active boards will be found and deleted before restoration. Archived boards will remain untouched, but a new board will be created during restoration in the same workspace where it was located at the time of backup.

You can either select everything at once or select only specific elements for restore. 

When the data is selected, click the Restore Now button. 

Operation Details page allows to open the full backup summary at once and select the required data for restore. Use filters on the page to quickly find the required backup operation. 

Click on the completed backup operation to open its summary. 

Clicking on the pencil-like buttons next to each element select the required boards for restore, and select the restore mode. Click the Restore Now button. 

The restore operation will be launched at once and will appear on the Operation Details page where you can check its status and progress. 

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