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Project for the web/Planner (premium plans) supported entities

Backup Supported Entities




Microsoft 365 groups


Microsoft 365 groups are backed up only with the projects that are selected for the backup

Microsoft 365 group name and description



Microsoft 365 group mail nickname and email addresses



Microsoft 365 group Privacy and General Settings



Microsoft 365 group owners



Microsoft 365 group owner details (ID, Display name, First name, Last name, Username and email, Contact Information (partially)



Microsoft 365 group members



Microsoft 365 group member details (ID, Display name, First name, Last name, Username and email, Contact Information (partially)



Active Directory Users

Users themselves are not backed up, only their group ownership and membership, and some of their details are saved within the group backup

Environment Bookable Resources


All or modified Bookable resources are backed up even if they are not added to any of the selected projects to back up. 

Bookable resource details (Name, ID, linked User/Contact/Account, Status, Type, Time zone, Calendar, etc.)



Active, Inactive bookable resources



Bookable resources of different types (Account, User, Contact, Generic, Equipment, Facility, Crew, Pool) 



Project for the Web Projects



Project Details



Project level fields



Project Buckets


If restored to an existing project (merged):

  • New buckets created before the restore will not be removed.
  • Deleted buckets will be restored. 
  • Buckets will be renamed (according to the backup file information) if buckets weren't recreated.

Project Tasks



Task hierarchy



Task field values


Please refer to the list of supported task fields below

Project task user assignments



Local resources



Project Team



Project Team Members



Project for the Web Roadmaps


Conditional Coloring rules +
Goals +
Sprints +

 Supported Task Fields

Task Field



Task Name




Bucket Name






Start date



Finish date



% Complete                     











Attachments are backed up as links to the files




Effort: Completed, Remaining, Total





Outline Number



Labels +
Priority +

Custom Fields




Restore Supported Entities




Microsoft 365 groups



Microsoft 365 group name and description



Microsoft 365 group mail nickname 



Microsoft 365 group Privacy and General Settings



Microsoft 365 group owners



Microsoft 365 group members



Active Directory Users

Users themselves are not restored, only their group ownership and membership are restored

Environment Bookable Resources



Bookable resource details (Name, linked User/Contact/Account, Status, Type, Time zone)



Active, Inactive bookable resources



Bookable resources of different types (Account, User, Contact, Generic, Equipment, Facility, Crew, Pool) 



Related resource Account, Contact, System User details



Project for the Web Projects



Project Details



Project level fields


Fields of Customer and File type are not supported for restoration. 
Deleted project fields will not be restored, it is possible to restore the field values to existing fields only. 
The field name if the field has been renamed will not be updated.

Project Buckets



Project Tasks



Task hierarchy



Task field values


Please refer to the list of supported task fields below

Project task user assignments



Local resources



Project Team



Project Team Members



Project for the Web Roadmaps


Conditional Coloring +

Sprints +

Goals +

Supported Task Fields

Task Field



Task Name




Bucket Name






Start date



Finish date



% Complete                     











The file’s URL address and Text to display are supported for restoration.
If the file was deleted, it will not be restored.



Effort: Completed, Remaining, Total





 All types are supported

Outline Number



Priority +
Labels +

Custom Fields


The fields and field values are supported for restoration.
New fields created before the restore will not be removed when restoring projects and tasks. 
If the field name changed, it will be updated on restoration. Deleted fields will also be restored.


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