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Audit Pro log

Set the filters on the right panel in order to display required data. The following filters are available:

  1. “Date From” and “Date To” – allows to select date range for which data in the log should be displayed.
  2. “Entity Type” – allows selecting entity for which you want to display data. The following entities are available: Custom Fields, Lookup Tables, Projects, Resources, Tasks.
  3. “Event Type” – allows selecting what kind of events you want to check: if there was any entity created, deleted, modified. Full list of Audit log events and their short description can be found here.
  4. In case of necessity, it is possible to set the filter by specific Entity ID, Correlation ID, User Name, Entity Name, Field Name or Field Value.
  5. Select the columns that will be visible in the report.
  6. Select if you want to hide modifications with equal values.
  7. Click “Apply” button. 

8. Click on any event to expand details

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