Release 5.1.9098.2241 @ November 28, 2024
Fixed the case when FluentBooks failed to create formula fields during Workspace data import from Excel
Fixed the case when FluentBooks cut off '\\' symbols from the temp folder path.
Release 5.1.8993.2228 @ August 15, 2024
- Added errors handling when "Add and customize pages" permission is denied on SharePoint sites upload.
Release 5.1.9012.2235 @ September 4, 2024
- Migration Sizing Questionnaire Wizard can now be run without adding the PWA to the license.
Release 5.1.8993.2228 @ August 15, 2024
- Added errors handling when "Add and customize pages" permission is denied on SharePoint sites upload.
- Fixed video sets upload.
- Fixed the case when Folder upload failed due to percent sign presence in the Folder name.
Release 5.1.8937.2217 @ June 21, 2024
- Users from SharePoint security groups are visible on the user mapping page on SharePoint site upload.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks could not proceed to stage three on SharePoint site upload.
- The project upload will not fail if there are project fields of different types.
- Fix for the case when the SharePoint sites comparison wizard showed an error when downloading sites from the target PWA.
- The remaining time is now shown correctly when uploading SharePoint sites.
- Documents with the Video content type are now migrated successfully.
Release 5.1.8881.2197 @ April 25, 2024
- Download and upload of the SharePoint Security Groups was improved.
- Download of SharePoint documents was improved.
- Download of Project Impact was improved.
- Upload of Projects with Budget Resources was improved.
- The update of read-only content types during migration will not cause an error.
- Fix for the case when an error occurred on migrating document versions with multi-choice field values.
Release 5.1.8696.2144 @ October 23, 2023
- Added an option 'Disable required fields' to the first Step of 'Publish Projects' wizard
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks set actual “Created” and “Modified” dates for Site documents instead of Migration Date when "Migrate Created and Modified Field Data" unchecked in 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard.
Release 5.1.8655.2114 @ September 13, 2023
- Read-only fields "Last Published" and "Last Modified" were excluded from the "Projects Bulk Edit" wizard to avoid confusion.
- The "Projects Publish" wizard will now disable required fields before updating projects. This helps to update older projects that don't have all the necessary fields populated.
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks failed to create a project from the 'Projects Bulk Edit' wizard when a project name contained a line break symbol.
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks migrated field data for item versions whereas the versions had been wiped in a source environment.
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks did not migrate document versions if source documents were of Folder content type.
Release 5.1.8606.2094 @ July 25, 2023
- Fixed FluentBooks compatibility with .Net Framework 4.6.
Release 5.1.8591.2091 @ July 10, 2023
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks was not able to download a project to FPP files due to invalid file name for the project.
Release 5.1.8586.2089 @ July 6, 2023
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks was not able to connect to Project Server 2010 PWA.
Release 5.1.8552.2086 @ June 2, 2023
- Improved throttling retry on task reading.
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks could not read tasks from Project Professional in case the corresponding projects contained a task field 'Application'.
- Fixed the case when FluentBooks read values of duration fields incorrectly.
Release 5.1.8476.2079 @ March 23, 2023
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks failed to read dates in the list item versions from non-US sites.
Release 5.1.8469.2075 @ March 10, 2023
New Features:
- Migration of the list versions is now supported using the "Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard.
- The 'Download tasks using API' option was added to the 'Download projects to FPP files' wizard.
Release 5.1.8459.2072 @ March 1, 2023
New Features:
- The ability to export to Excel a list of all Project Sites with the corresponding 'Last Modified' dates is added to the 'Download SharePoint Sites' wizard.
- Now it is possible to Lock tasks without unpublishing them on Project Publish.
- The case when Migration Sizing Questionnaire failed to export data to Excel is fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks did not set all field values when a single value was not present in a lookup table is fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks did not set task field values when the List Separator was set to semicolon is fixed.
Release 5.1.8406.2068 @ January 6, 2023
- Fix for Sharepoint folder creation in Project Online.
Release 5.1.8340.2061 @ November 1, 2022
- The case when failed data verification on project download led to the failed download itself was fixed.
Release 5.1.8278.2057 @ September 2, 2022
New Features:
- It is now possible to select the projects by Project Server view in the 'Download Projects to FPP files' and 'Publish Projects' wizards.
- A new option to bulk create/edit delegates was added to FluentBooks. The delegates are created/edited using the export/import workspace data to Excel wizards.
- A new type of authentication was added: Modern authentication. It is used for Project Online/SharePoint Online multi-factor authentication.
Release 5.1.8242.2054 @ July 27, 2022
New Features:
- Microsoft Edge WebView2 browser control can now be used for Custom Browser Authentication instead of the Internet Explorer.
Release 5.1.8220.2051 @ July 5, 2022
New Features:
- A possibility to overwrite user group membership was added to the Resources Bulk Edit wizard.
Release 5.1.8165.2049 @ May 10, 2022
- The case when FluentBooks failed to upload a large document to a folder if there was a '%' sign in its name was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks could not convert a resource plan where the start/finish dates were empty to an engagement was fixed.
Release 5.1.8147.2047 @ April 28, 2022
- A possibility to select custom fields using the CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE combination was added to the Bulk Edit Projects/Resources wizard.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to publish projects using command line script was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks converted resource plans to engagements incorrectly was fixed.
Release 5.1.8118.2041 @ March 24, 2022
- An ability to download projects/tasks info without .mpp file was added.
- The case when FluentBooks showed the 'Nullreference' exception on comparing SharePoint Sites was fixed.
Release 5.1.8097.2036 @ March 4, 2022
- Import of the date and time values was fixed for the External EPM data wizard. The time zone setting on the PWA and PC should be the same for these values to be transferred correctly.
Release 5.1.8084.2033 @ February 18, 2022
- The upload of SharePoint sites properties for folders was improved.
- The case when FluentBooks could not open the SharePoint sites workspace with huge XML files was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed an error "Version Conflict" twice in some cases was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed differences for Security templates was fixed.
- The case when Intercom did not display chats was fixed.
Release 5.1.8053.2027 @ January 19, 2022
- The case when the values of the "Modified By" field were not migrated for document versioning was fixed.
- Make FluentBooks comparison case insensitive on resource emails.
Release 5.1.8013.2020 @ December 9, 2021
New Features:
- Bulk edit of resource engagements was added to the Projects Bulk Edit wizard.
Release 5.1.8010.2018 @ December 6, 2021
- The process of downloading projects to FPP files was improved.
- Status managers and owners cannot be set for master projects using FluentBooks due to Microsoft API limitations. From now on, this step will be skipped to successfully upload master projects and their subprojects. When the upload is completed, it is required to set these values manually for master projects only.
- The case when FluentBooks did not turn off versioning settings in a library when uploading documents without versions was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks did not migrate the Modified fields data without users mapping was fixed.
Release 5.1.7977.2010 @ November 3, 2021
- A possibility to increase the number of threads was added to the Download PWA Configuration and Projects Bulk Edit wizards.
- A 'Skip Checked-Out Projects' setting was added to the Projects Bulk Edit wizard.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to compare the SharePoint Sites (during Project Server to Project Server or Project Server to Project Online PWAs comparison) was fixed.
- Fix for the case when the "Overwrite navigation" option was selected in the Upload SharePoint Sites wizard but the target navigation links were not updated.
Release 5.1.7951.2004 @ October 8, 2021
- The case when resources synchronization failed if an account was removed from Active Directory was fixed.
Release 5.1.7941.2001 @ September 29, 2021
- 'Selected Sites' counter was added to the "Bulk Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard.
- Quick selection of the Sites via Crtl+Shift+Space keys combination was added to the "Bulk Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard.
- The download of Assignments was optimized in the 'Download Projects to FPP files' wizard.
- The upload of large SharePoint Lists (>5,000 Items included) was optimized in the 'Upload SharePoint Sites wizard.
- The download of Master and Sub-Projects improved in the 'Download Projects to FPP files' wizard.
Release 5.1.7913.1996 @ September 1, 2021
- Data processing improvement in cases when throttling occurs during download/upload operations
- The download of SharePoint Document Libraries having the same names has been improved.
Release 5.1.7873.1993 @ July 22, 2021
- 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard was improved:
1) it is now possible to pause the upload process;
2) upload summary page is opened even if the operation was canceled;
3) summary section and Excel summary report were expanded.
- The case when the "Update Project tasks" wizard was not visible on the Wizards page was fixed.
Release 5.1.7865.1990 @ July 15, 2021
New Features:
- 'Delete Projects' wizard was added to FluentBooks (Export screen). It allows deleting the selected Projects and/or their SharePoint Sites from the target PWA.
- 'Delete SharePoint Sites' wizard was added to FluentBooks (Export screen). It allows deleting the selected SharePoint Sites from the target PWA.
Release 5.1.7853.1986 @ July 2, 2021
- Resources migrated with FluentBooks will always be created with a new GUID in the target instance.
- The case when 'Bulk Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard did not update Title and Description for Calculated fields in the SharePoint Lists was fixed.
- The case when 'Bulk Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard did not update the links in SharePoint List items correctly for all selected sites, except for the first one in the list, was fixed.
Release 5.1.7836.1983 @ June 16, 2021
- The "Lock and unpublish tasks" option (Publish Projects wizard) will also lock the Project Summary Tasks.
- An ability to synchronize the Enterprise Resource Profile Information from Active Directory or the User Profile Service on a scheduled basis (using command line interface) with Project Server Enterprise Resource was added.
Release 5.1.7789.1976 @ April 29, 2021
- A new option to create resources with random GUIDs was added to FluentBooks 'Upload PWA Configuration' wizard.
- Multicredentials option is now available for the Compare Project Plans wizard.
- Download/upload of the templates for content types was improved.
- A pop-up message about Status Managers in the 'Upload Project from FPP files' wizard was changed.
- The case when FluentBooks could not download a content type template was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks validated data in master projects incorrectly was fixed.
- The case with a broken 'Notebook' link when migrating navigation was fixed.
- The case when duplicates were created in the site navigation (quick launch panel) was fixed.
Release 5.1.7768.1973 @ April 8, 2021
- An ability to archive projects by setting task-level custom field 'Locked' to Yes and 'Publish' to No was added.
- A separate path to MS Project 2016/2019 was added to the first step of the 'Download/Upload Projects to/from FPP files' wizards.
- The process of uploading SharePoint Sites in case of throttling was improved.
- The case when FluentBooks could not download SharePoint sites from Project Server 2010 site collection was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks did not set task level custom field values for project templates was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed an exception on creating a calculated field was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to add a document to a library with more than 5000 documents was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks could not find a task to set to the custom fields in some cases was fixed.
- The comparison process of resource rates and availabilities was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks did not display resources from sub-projects when uploading master projects was fixed.
Release 5.1.7747.1966 @ March 18, 2021
- FluentBooks automatically disables versioning for libraries where no versions are found.
- Required resource fields will be unset automatically before uploading resources.
- Multicredentials option is now available for Compare Wizards.
- The “Can log on” column was excluded from the Excel template.
- A new help site was introduced for FluentBooks and can now be opened from the application.
- The “Status Manager” checkbox is now enabled by default in the “Upload projects from FPP files” wizard.
- An option to upload only the selected number of document versions was added to the “ Upload SharePoint sites ” wizard.
- The process of updating fields of an item was improved to avoid the “version conflict” error.
- The case when FluentBooks could not date values in the files versions in non-American format was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks could not create a new field in a list for non-English languages was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to add/update fields in a list (with an InvalidOperationException) was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to unset leaves-only fields if two fields had identical names but different types was fixed.
Release 5.1.7717.1957 @ February 16, 2021
- The case when the Content Type field of the 'Read Only' type became hidden was fixed.
- Intercom form was fixed.
Release 5.1.7711.1956 @ February 10, 2021
- Additional threads are now added automatically if the 'Download/Upload using multiple credentials' option is selected in the 'Download/Upload Share Point Sites' wizards.
- The Summary generated by 'Download SharePoint Sites' and 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizards was improved.
- "Invert Selection" button was added to the 'Download SharePoint Sites' wizard.
- "Invert Selection" button was added to the 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard.
- "Export to Excel" button was added to the 'Bulk Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard.
- The case when FluentBooks created duplicate resources in case the resource on the source PWA had a broken user logon account was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed a 'ResourceAvailabilityOutsideTheHireAndTerminationDateRange' exception on updating resources was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed on validating data after completing the download process was fixed.
- The case when the differences were shown in the Compare Report when comparing Custom Fields with blank descriptions was fixed.
- The case the differences in Custom fields were shown in the Compare Report in case the Custom Fields formula contained additional blank spaces was fixed.
Release 5.1.7697.1950 @ January 27, 2021
New Features:
- Migration of SharePoint document version history is now supported using the "Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard.
- The "Upload Projects with MS Project" wizard was removed from the Export panel.
- The "Number of upload threads" option in the "Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard was divided into two parts: 'Number of site upload threads' and 'Number of items upload threads'.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to update the user field for documents was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to upload documents with the names that contained "%" or "/"character was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks displayed unhandled exception details if the Excel application was not installed was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to upload the lookup tables was fixed.
- The case when the sub-projects were not compared using the 'Compare PWA with FPP files' option in the "Compare project plans" wizard was fixed.
Release 5.1.7662.1944 @ December 23, 2020
- It is now possible to restart Project Pro when using the ‘Download Projects to FPP files’ wizard.
- Migration of Dependencies is now supported for content types.
- The case when the compare report showed differences between assignments if a resource was Enterprise on the source PWA and Local on the target PWA was fixed.
- The case when the compare report showed differences in rates when comparing resources/projects using the ‘Compare Project Plans’ and/or ‘Compare PWA Configuration’ wizards was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed an exception when creating folders in SharePoint On-premises was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks showed errors on reading versions of documents was fixed.
- The case when a Resource did not appear in the workspace despite it was successfully imported according to the log files was fixed.
Release 5.1.7648.1939 @ December 10, 2020
- New fields (Enterprise Project Type Name, Workflow Phase, Workflow Stage, Modified Date) were added to the Projects Bulk Edit wizard: 'Step 2 - Select Projects'.
- Non-printable characters will be removed from task custom field values.
- The case when FluentBooks failed to import data using the “Import external EPM data” wizard with values in the “Predecessors” field.
- The case when the "default.aspx" page was broken after the migration of list views was fixed.
Release 5.1.7627.1930 @ November 18, 2020
- Migration of the custom field values for project summary tasks is now supported.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks displayed an incorrect message about license expiration date. If the license is expired the message will be now displayed when FluentBooks is launched.
Release 5.1.7613.1925 @ November 4, 2020
- An ability to search the site templates using different languages was added.
- Improvements for 'License Details' window.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks could not create a calculated field when formula contained "&" character.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks failed on creating libraries with versioning enabled.
- Fix for the case The case when FluentBooks did not update\migrate Document IDs with the feature "Document ID Service" enabled or when this feature was deactivated.
Release 5.1.7599.1917 @ October 21, 2020
- An ability to skip projects that are checked-out was added to the Publish Projects wizard.
- 'Overwrite navigation' option was added to the Bulk upload SharePoint sites wizard.
- Fix for the case when task fields IDs in projects were duplicated (for the PWA in Dutch language).
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks did not stop downloading SharePoint Sites when there was no free space on the disk.
- Fix for the mechanism of 'Status Manager' update during Projects migration as FPP files.
Release 5.1.7585.1911 @ October 7, 2020
- Additional checkboxes were added to the Migration Sizing Questionnaire.
- A validation process was added to the PPM Migration Sizing Questionnaire wizard. Now FluentBooks is verifying if the user is a site collection administrator during the connection validation process.
- Document IDs were added to the list of supported properties in the SharePoint site wizards.
- 'Skip projects publish (left project draft)' option was added to the Projects Bulk Edit wizard. It allows saving a draft version of the Project without publishing it.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks did not update a formula in a field when migrating SharePoint sites columns.
Release 5.1.7572.1905 @ September 24, 2020
- "Configuration Audit" wizard:
◦ Resource and Task custom fields usage is now available in report;
◦ Resources usage in Projects is now included included to report;
◦ Separate Lookup Table values usage is now included to report. - Migration of the new column type 'Location' for SharePoint Sites is now supported.
- Migration of Quick Launch/Navigation links in correct order is improved.
- "Overwrite Navigation" option was added to the Upload SharePoint Sites wizard.
- A new setting "Restart Project Pro after <N> projects" was added to the 'Upload Project from FPP files' wizard.
- Ensure OneNote links are preserved and working correctly if the navigation overwrite is turned on.
- Fix for the case when on comparing project plans the project summary task was marked as absent.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks could not create a formula field in SharePoint list when uploading to a Spanish PWA.
- Fix for the case in the "Configuration Audit" wizard when the lookup tables being reported as used in Custom Fields if they weren't.
Release 5.1.7558.1899 @ September 10, 2020
- FPP Files Download was fixed
Release 5.1.7557.1897 @ September 9, 2020
- Migration of the new column type 'Location' for SharePoint Sites is now supported
Release 5.1.7543.1892 @ August 26, 2020
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks could not set user accounts while creating resources in Project Online.
- Fix for the case when FluentBooks could not create security groups in Project Online.
Release 5.1.7529.1884 @ August 13, 2020
- "Validate tasks after download" setting was added to the Download Projects to FPP files wizard.
- "Is Active" column was added to the resource mapping file, reflecting the status of a resource.
- Fix for reading 'Locked' task field from Project Professional 2010.
Release 5.1.7515.1872 @ July 29, 2020
- User's email is now defined when using Intercom chat in FluentBooks.
- 'Selected sites' counter was added to the "Upload SharePoint Sites" wizard to display the number of the selected sites in the list.
- "Modified" column was added to "Publish Projects" wizard. It allows to sort the projects by the last modified date. The date in the modified field is the date when the project was edited and saved (not the one when the project was published for the last time).
- Fix for downloading projects using Download PWA Configuration wizard without loading dependencies (custom fields, PDPs, lookup tables, EPTs).
- Fix for the case when Resource engagement comments were migrated in the wrong order.
- Fix for the case when the "StrongTypingException" error occurred on uploading lookup tables.
- Fix for the case when person-type fields were not set correctly on migrating SharePoint sites.
Release 5.1.7501.1868 @ July 15, 2020
- It is now possible to pause the download process of SharePoint Sites. Also, if you cancel the download process, you can now save the data that has been processed.
- Fix for the case when incorrect users/groups were assigned to the Person type columns on the upload of SharePoint sites.
- Fix for the 'damaged file' message when opening PWAs comparison report in Excel.
Release 5.1.7488.1853 @ July 2, 2020
- When comparing Resources/Projects {Field not found} message will be displayed on the summary screen instead of {Not Set}, if a resource/project field is present on one of the PWAs only.
- Migration of the 'Comments' field for resource engagements is now supported.
- Retrieving data for resource engagements was fixed.
- The case when FluentBooks created committed resource engagements with wrong dates was fixed.
- Download of projects from non-English PWAs works as expected from now on.
Release 5.1.7474.1850 @ June 18, 2020
- When uploading resources to Project Online, Resource Availability was set to 100% for all resources due to Microsoft Project Online performance. This case is fixed and the Resource Availability is set correctly if the latest FluentBooks version is used.
Release 5.1.7473.1849 @ June 17, 2020
- Log compressing was added for long running operations.
- Update of the 'Synchronize Out of Office Events' resource field is now skipped when uploading to Project Online.
- Fix for cases when FluentBooks displays that a list contains some items when it does not.
- Fix for displaying a message 'target site not found' on the Summary screen of the "Compare SharePoint sites" wizard.
Release 5.1.7459.1842 @ June 3, 2020
- A warning message was added to the 'Upload Configuration to PWA' wizard if Projects were selected for upload. It is recommended to upload Projects using 'Upload Projects from FPP files' wizard.
- Comparison of 'Project Id' parameter of EPTs was added to the 'Compare PWA with PWA' and 'Compare workspace with PWA' wizards.
- Fix for renaming enterprise budget resources when projects are published using 'Publish Projects' wizard.
- Fix for the "Export to Excel" link in the "Update Security Group Membership" wizard.
- The required custom fields are now set back to required automatically if 'Cancel' button was pressed in the 'Skip projects to stage' wizard.
Release 5.1.7444.1832 @ May 20, 2020
New Features;
- A new setting was added to 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard: "Do not upload groups if absent in target".
- Performance improvements for 'Upload SharePoint Sites with Migration API - Beta' wizard:
1) added validation of an Azure container 'Name' field for supported characters;
2) account Mapping process improved - both "" and ""i:0#.f|membership|username@xxxxxxx" formats now supported;
3) errors are now displayed on the Summary screen of the wizard. - Selection of Projects in the current workspace is now reflected in 'Skip to Stage' wizard Step 2: Select Projects.
- Author, Company and Workflow ID fields are now hidden in the 'Compare Project Plans' wizard Step 4: Select Fields.
- Resource Mapping is now supported for Project Plan Templates in 'Upload Projects from FPP files' wizard.
- Fix for publishing projects with 'Publish Projects' wizard where required fields values were not provided. Now the projects where required fields values were not provided will not be published and will be marked as failed.
- Fix for removing invisible non-unicode characters from project custom field values.
Release 5.1.7431.1824 @ May 6, 2020
- A possibility to sort the projects out by the stage name in the "Skip projects to stage" wizard was added.
- A notification is now added to the log files for cases when FluentBooks does not link a site to a project if it is not a project site (e.g. for site templates).
- The left pane in FluentBooks workspace can now be resized.
- 'Publish Projects' operation can now be launched automatically after the upload of SharePoint Sites is completed. The corresponding option was added to the first step of the 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard.
- Fix for migrating Resource Capacity settings.
- Fix for rendering FluentBooks UI (Windows 10 only).
Release 5.1.7416.1814 @ April 22, 2020
- FluentBooks performance improved in case of throttling.
- The process of downloading projects into FPP files using Project Professional improved (for cases when API is not working as expected).
Release 5.1.7408.1810 @ April 13, 2020
- Fix for the process of getting a site modification date.
Release 5.1.7405.1808 @ April 10, 2020
New Features:
- 'Upload SharePoint Sites with Migration API - Beta' wizard was added to FluentBooks. It allows migrating the library documents with their versions.
- Upload of SharePoint sites using multiple credentials is now supported. This functionality helps avoiding throttling.
- The logic of reading list\libraries items and folders improved.
- The process of getting a site modification date improved.
- Fix for creating a project on the target PWA during migration in case custom field values contain specific characters.
- Fix for comparing project plans with resource engagements.
- Fix for uploading resource engagements taken from External EPM wizard.
Release 5.1.7383.1801 @ March 19, 2020
- Fix for creating "Rejected" resource engagements as "Proposed" by FluentBooks. "Rejected" resource engagements will be skipped and will not be downloaded from the source PWA.
- FluentBooks modifies current value of the User Agent variable to comply Microsoft recommendations regarding throttling.
- FluentBooks performance improved in case of throttling.
Release 5.1.7370.1790 @ March 6, 2020
New Features:
- Project Professional 2019 is now supported for migrations.
- Download of SharePoint Sites using multiple credentials is now supported. This functionality helps avoiding throttling.
- Fix for merging resource calendar exceptions.
Release 5.1.7331.1774 @ January 27, 2020
New Features:
- An ability to migrate resource engagements in Proposed state was added.
- Migration process of SharePoint content (download and upload) improved.
- Fix for not showing an error message in the Download Summary screen when download of security groups failed.
- Fix for adding customer's PWA UID \ URL to a license when license information contains non-English characters.
Release 5.1.7285.1759 @ December 12, 2019
New Features:
- It is now possible to add PWA UID and URL to the license from FluentBooks directly.
- Migration of Project Impacts is now supported for Project Server 2016 and Project Online.
- Fix for updating list settings.
- Fix for reading empty folders from a list/library with more than 5000 items.
- Fix for the ability to set/unset required fields if there are two fields with identical names.
Release 5.1.7263.1748 @ November 20, 2019
- Fix for downloading and uploading SharePoint content in case of throttling
- Fix for saving workspace files to Samba share and loading workspace files from Samba share.
Release 5.1.7250.1737 @ November 7, 2019
- Migration of a large number of groups with users while Downloading and Uploading SharePoint Sites improved.
- Fix for migration of libraries with folders starting with "#" symbol;
- Fix for creating folders starting with "#" symbol;
- Fix for the pop up window that appears when switching to built in view while Downloading Projects.
Release 5.1.7229.1729 @ October 18, 2019
- Download and upload of SharePoint Sites in case of throttling improved.
- Group membership is now included into PWA Configuration Documentation. It is displayed on the Groups sheet of PWA Configuration Documentation file.
- Ability to keep project currency while uploading Projects to the target PWA was added. While uploading Projects from .fpp files to the target PWA, project currency will be applied depending on Operational Policies -> Additional Server Setting -> Currency Settings on the source PWA.
- Fix for cleaning up temporary folders while closing FluentBooks wizards.
- Fix for Upload SharePoint Sites wizard to skip uploading items for Tasks list managed on PWA.
- Fix for uploading web parts order while uploading SharePoint Sites.
Release 5.1.7202.1720 @ September 23, 2019
New features:
- Additional Server Settings were added to Document PWA Configuration wizards.
- Workflow Association migration for Lists and Content types is now supported.
- Information about Site Collection of EPTs was added to Compare PWA Configuration wizards.
- The number of wizards in the Quick Start screen and Wizards screen is now the same.
- Fix for articles links that are available from the question sign on every FluentBooks page.
- Fix for ability to migrate an option for views.
Release 5.1.7186.1713 @ September 4, 2019
- Security groups are now included to PWA configuration documentation file.
- FluentBooks performance in case of throttling during download/upload of SharePoint sites improved;
- 'Re-add assignments for project templates' setting was added to 'Upload Projects from FPP files' wizard;
- Fix for uploading projects with long names;
- Fix for setting up accounts for resources while uploading PWA Configuration in case there is a required resource custom field on the PWA;
- Fix for downloading projects with "Project Impact" custom field;
- "I will restart it later" option was removed from the license update window;
- "Project Impact" and "Relative Importance" OOB lookup tables are now skipped during upload of PWA Configuration.
Release 5.1.7167.1695 @ August 16, 2019
- [FIX] Licensing - fixed the logic of defining Microsoft Project version, which may have been causing 'Server type is not allowed by license' error
Release 5.1.7152.1685 @ August 1, 2019
- [NEW] Download/Upload PWA configuration: migrate Reporting and Additional server settings
- [FIX] Upload projects: fixed updating task custom field values with macro (task name contains non-printable characters)
- [FIX] Upload projects: fixed uploading projects to Project Server 2010 (unset workflow stage fields before project upload)
Release 5.1.7130.1669 @ July 10, 2019
- [FIX] Upload projects: fixed uploading project with tasks which have '/' symbol in their name
- [FIX] Document PWA configuration: fixed creating the Excel report with more than 5000 resources
- [UPDATE] Upload PWA configuration: upload time reporting periods in direct chronological order
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export workspace data to Excel: made PWA-like format for lookup table values
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites: migrate indexing setting for list columns
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites: migrate site background image
Release 5.1.7121.1661 @ July 01, 2019
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload PWA configuration: allow to download/upload resources with the same name
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites: download/upload additional settings for list fields (Number, Currency, DateTime)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects: improved Project Professional automation (process "Project is read-only file" alert)
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites: fixed "Cannot complete this action" error on content type upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites: download/upload additional settings for list views (ViewStyle, Aggregations)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites: preserving source field order in List/Library content types
Release 5.1.7094.1652 @ June 4, 2019
- [HOTFIX] Upload PWA configuration: fixed uploading multivalue lookup field values
Release 5.1.7089.1650 @ May 30, 2019
- [NEW] Added Compare SharePoint sites wizard
- [IMPROVEMENT] Project bulk edit: improved setting values to required fields with lookups
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed loading of site logo stored in parent site
- [FIX] Document PWA configuration: fixed generating report after selecting result Excel file by pressing Enter key
Release 5.1.7047.1632 @ April 18, 2019
- [FIX] Uploading SharePoint sites: fixed duplication of list items stored in folders
- [FIX] Uploading SharePoint sites: fixed adding of site columns to a list content type
- [UPDATE] Licensing: hardware checks improvement
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload SharePoint sites: improved memory usage on uploading files
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download SharePoint sites: added ability to select any list settings to download
Release 5.1.7033.1603 @ April 4, 2019
- [CRITICAL FIX] Download PWA configuration: fixed downloading views
- [FIX] Compare project plans: fixed exporting project compare result to Excel
- [FIX] Upload projects: allow "&" character in project name
- [UPDATE] Download/Upload projects: updated Project Professional automation, added minimize-normalize all windows periodically to improve clicking on alerts
Release 5.1.7025.1577 @ March 29, 2019
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites: fixed upload web parts to wiki page
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed downloading SP sites to separate workspaces (account mapping)
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed downloading of files with space at the beginning of filename
- [FIX] Project/Resource bulk edit: removed duplicate fields from UI
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration: skip uploading of delegates with expired finish date
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites: fixed uploading of "Table of contents" web part
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites: fixed uploading of files with # in name
- [UPDATE] Download SharePoint sites: skip downloading site logo and site content type document template from LAYOUTS
- [UPDATE] Upload PWA configuration: updated resource calendar exceptions upload
Release 5.1.7013.1556 @ March, 15 2019
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed downloading of list views
Release 5.1.7012.1549 @ March, 14 2019
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed downloading of files with # in name
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites: fixed resolving site template from EPT
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites: fixed downloading of large lists
- [MINOR] UI: show application version on all wizards
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration: improved resource calendar exceptions upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload SharePoint sites: added retries for known connection errors
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration: added support for updating task/resource custom fields from formula to none
- [IMPROVEMENT] Command line: added 'o' parameter for downloading PWA permissions
Release 5.1.6997.1502 @ February, 27 2019
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites - fixed uploading of site columns (resolve by internal name only)
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites - fixed downloading/uploading of large lists (more than 5000 items)
- [FIX] Download/Upload SharePoint sites - migrate web parts Target Audience
- [UPDATE] Download SharePoint sites - skip downloading "Access Requests" list
- [UPDATE] Upload PWA configuration - resolve time reporting periods by ID and start/finish dates (was by ID and Name)
- [IMPROVEMENTS] Upload SharePoint sites - improved solutions upload
Release 5.1.6984.1469 @ February, 14 2019
- [NEW] Download/upload SharePoint sites - migrate list/item unique permissions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload projects - improved Project Professional automation
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint sites - migrate Indexed column setting
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload SharePoint site - improved migration of list item user field values
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload SharePoint sites - improved upload of solutions
Release 5.1.6963.1437 @ January, 24 2019
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed scroll on the 4th step
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload/Publish projects - updated Project Professional automation: ensure alert was closed after clicking button
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download SharePoint sites - improved loading big ASPX files
- [FIX] Download SharePoint sites - show errors in summary in case of failed file download
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed setting email to resource with account
- [UPDATE] Download SharePoint sites - hide specific internal lists/libraries from download
- [FIX] Download projects - fixed download of projects with non-latin characters in name
- [IMPROVEMENT] Bulk upload SharePoint sites - upload sites in parallel
- [IMPROVEMENT] All wizards - show error message if a user is currently acting as a delegate
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - improved setting status managers for Project Online
- [FIX] Upload SharePoint sites - fixed solutions activating
Release 5.1.6948.1403 @ January, 10 2019
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed scroll on the 4th step
- [IMPROVEMENT] Resource Bulk Edit - added settings to upload resource rates, availabilities, calendar exceptions, group membership
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed uploading Site workflows
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - log missed sub-projects on master project download
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - show summary if upload was canceled
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - updated UI: select related items to upload on selecting workflow, user permission, group permission
Release 5.1.6928.1385 @ December, 20 2018
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed scroll on the 4th step
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - improved Project Professional automation
- [UPDATE] Renamed "Import SharePoint Sites" wizard to "Download SharePoint Sites", "Export SharePoint Sites" wizard to "Upload SharePoint Sites"
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed deleting sites with sub-sites with "Delete sites before upload" setting enabled
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added login/password requirement validation on all forms
Release 5.1.6913.1357 @ December, 5 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects/resources - set project/task/resource custom field value by case insensitive field name
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import external EPM data - added Owner field mapping to Project field mappings step
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - performance improvements on setting/unsetting required project fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - allow to download/upload resources with the same display name
Release 5.1.6900.1328 @ November, 22 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated clicker to process "The following job failed to complete" window
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated clicker to process "Tasks cannot be linked" window
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed "Do not upload existing sites" on export SP sites
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - improved solution export
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - ability to import Welcome page, Logo and Composed look separately
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed creating projects (required fields)
Release 5.1.6885.1306 @ November, 7 2018
- [NEW] Upload projects - added pause/resume button
- [IMPROVEMENT] Project Bulk Edit - added setting to disable/enable required fields
- [FIX] PPM Migration Sizing Questionnaire - fixed loading data in case of target PWA is not specified
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - added setting to merge workspaces
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed updating of resource calendar exceptions
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed setting of values to an item in case lookup column is set to get data from a list on another site
- [NEW] Export SharePoint Sites - added checkboxes in filter option - Groups; Users; Permission levels; User permissions; Group permissions.
Release 5.1.6864.1282 @ October, 18 2018
- [NEW] Import/export SP sites - import SP site security (users, groups, permission levels, user and group permissions)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - handle “This project uses enterprise resources that are no longer in the Enterprise Resource Pool” alert
- [UPDATE] Export PWA configuration - keep generic resource UID
- [UPDATE] Compare PWA configuration - compare OOB fields and lookup tables
- [FIX] Upload projects - check-in project templates
Release 5.1.6830.1235 @ September, 13 2018
- [NEW] Added Update project tasks wizard
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed web object links upload on exporting sites from separate workspace files
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed uploading document set field values
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed uploading inactive pure user resources
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA configuration - compare timesheet managers
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - user macro security setting from UI for Project Professional automation
- [IMPROVEMENT] Document PWA configuration - document timesheet managers
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - improved performance of lookup table values upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import/Export SharePoint sites - migrate "Folders or Flat" setting of views
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - added "Resource Verification" step before upload
Release 5.1.6816.1210 @ August, 31 2018
- [NEW] Add users to groups wizard
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - added "Delete site before upload" setting
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - improved Project Pro automation (click the Visual basic error window)
- [FIX] Compare PWA configuration - fixed error on security templates compare
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed migrating document sets
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA configuration - added more details about resource calendar exceptions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - added "Set Project Owner" setting
Release 5.1.6801.1177 @ August, 15 2018
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed content types upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - upload Document Set content types additional settings
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - improved "Resolve by EPT" performance
- [FIX] Download projects - fixed project templates download
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload PWA configuration - migrate target audience for PDP web parts
Release 5.1.6789.1161 @ August, 3 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated Project Professional automation ("Allow scheduling conflict" and "These tasks can't be linked" alerts)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Skip projects to stage - added settings to increase wait interval, republish projects and set/unset required fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA configuration - compare security template permissions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - upload task custom field values for project templates
- [IMPROVEMENT] Check user permissions - group permissions on UI
- [FIX] Upload projects - fix budget resources
- [IMPROVEMENT] Migration Sizing Questionnaire - added "Don't have target PWA yet" setting
Release 5.1.6775.1134 @ July, 20 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - migrate resource Notes field values
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated clicker ("Allow scheduling conflicts" alert)
- [FIX] Upload projects - updated opening mpp file from disk before upload
- [FIX] Upload projects - avoid errors in logs on master project upload (external tasks
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated clicker ("Task cannot be completed in the time allocated" alert)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - show error in summary in case master project has subprojects used in other master project
Release 5.1.6746.1113 @ June, 21 2018
- [FIX] Upload projects - fixed updating status managers
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA configuration - show more detailed rate and resource availabilities differences
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - improved closing alerts (minimize/normalize Project Professional)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - added processing "Any edits made to enterprise global template items are only available during this session" alerts
- [FIX] Check user permissions - fixed wizard
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed reading Apps from Project Server/SharePoint 2016
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed uploading resource rates/availabilities/calendar exceptions in case if there are required custom fields on target PWA
Release 5.1.6733.1089 @ June, 8 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - fix budget resources in master project
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed an error on export SharePoint sites in case there are selected content types in workspace
- [UPDATE] Upload projects - updated status managers upload
Release 5.1.6731.1077 @ June, 6 2018
- [IMPROVEMENTS] Upload projects - set status managers for Project Online
- [IMPROVEMENTS] Upload projects - automated fixing budget resources
- [IMPROVEMENTS] Download/Upload projects - improved Project Professional automation
- [IMPROVEMENTS] Export SharePoint sites - convert Multi User column value to text (in case when target column type was changed to Text)
- [FIX] Upload resource engagements - fixed resource mapping
Release 5.1.6718.1055 @ May, 24 2018
- [NEW] Migration Sizing Questionnaire wizard
- [FIX] Workspace elements - update workspace items selection on "Select All Elements" button clicked
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed project/resources required field values update (fields with department)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Skip projects to stage - select stage before processing
- [IMPROVEMENT] Workspace elements - save workflow XAML to file
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated clicker
- [IMPROVEMENT] Project/Resources bulk edit - added dropdown list for multivalue lookup fields in Excel
- [IMPROVEMENT] Workspace - Add additional logging on saving workspace
Release 5.1.6704.1014 @ May, 11 2018
- [UPDATE] Download/Upload/Publish projects - updated Project Professional automatization
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - show errors on summary in case of failed workflow upload
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed connecting sites to projects on non-PWA site collections
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed creating project sites on separate from PWA site collection
- [IMPROVMENT] Compare PWA configuration - added Entity Type column to Custom Fields summary
- [FIX] Document PWA configuration - fixed duplicating items for Security Categories
- [FIX] Download\Upload projects - fixed downloading\uploading subprojects with non-English Project Professional
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - upload projects with renamed resources in the tea
Release 5.1.6689.976 @ April, 25 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Configuration Audit - added summary sheet
- [FIX] Upload resource engagements - fixed uploading resource engagements converted from resource plans
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated resource verifying on upload projects to improve performance
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed download items modified since specific date
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration/Project Bulk Edit - fixed setting required project custom fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload summary - show warnings in summary and excel summary report
- [FIX] Upload projects - set description on master projects creating
Release 5.1.6676.941 @ April, 12 2018
- [UPDATE] Download projects - switch to Gantt Chart view in Project Professional to avoid possible download errors
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - improved loading list items by index
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload/Publish projects - processing "The resource is assigned outside..." alert in Project Professional
- [UPDATE] Export SharePoint sites - reworked processing Excel files
- [FIX] Download PWA configuration - fixed downloading EPT (SharePoint Task List setting) from Project Server 2010
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - added "Republish Projects" setting to avoid the second project publish
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload projects and sites - log time spent on processing items
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects - added information about missing sub-projects to summary
- [FIX] Compare PWA configuration - fixed comparing Security Groups and Security Categories (permissions)
Release 5.1.6662.903 @ March, 29 2018
- [NEW] Compare project plans - added new wizard allows to compare project schedule
- [NEW] Online support chat - added button starts online support chat
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA configuration - added resource mapping
- [IMPROVEMENT] Resource bulk edit - update group membership
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - added support of lists with more than 5000 items (SharePoint 2010)
- [UPDATE] Export SharePoint sites - updated groups upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Custom (Browser) Authentication - close browser windows automatically on sign in
Release 5.1.6642.847 @ March, 09 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - added setting to update Site Creation Location URL of EPT
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - download SP list items modified since date
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - fixed migrating item “Created By” field value
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import/Export SharePoint sites - show estimated remaining time for import/export SharePoint content
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download/Upload/Publish projects - prevent the system from entering sleep
Release 5.1.6626.830 @ February, 22 2018
- [NEW] User experience - save password to Windows credential store
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed EPT upload (clear workflow and image settings)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Workspace view - sort SharePoint list items on List Items form, copy/past list items selection
- [FIX] Import/Export workspace to Excel - fixed import/export EPT from/to Excel
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - log task custom fields update
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed loading list items (more than 3000 in list)
Release 5.1.6614.805 @ February, 09 2018
- [FIX] Upload projects - show errors in summary in case of failed subproject
- [NEW] Import/export workspace to excel - import export project types to excel
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - optimized SharePoint sites upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - improved upload large files
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed loading list folder properties
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - ability to separately upload master projects\subprojects
Release 5.1.6598.775 @ January, 24 2018
- [FIX] Upload PWA Configuration - fixed issue with complicated formula fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] Workspace - “save document to file” feature added for SharePoint library documents in workspace
- [UPDATE] Import/Export SharePoint site - updated site selection approach (not select sub sites on selecting parent site)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - revert web parts back in case of web parts upload error
- [FIX] Upload project schedules - rename budget resources for master projects
Release 5.1.6589.762 @ January, 15 2018
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated resolving project calendar
- [IMPROVEMENT] UI - sort projects and resources in workspace by additional fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] UI - restore account mapping selection on load from file
- [FIX] Export SP sites - fixed uploading web part order
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - updated resolving project site template on EPT upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA Configuration - updated view categories compare; show all modified items in summary
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload project schedules - added “Log tasks update settings”
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed creating project sites
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - updated SP list folders upload (OneNote documents)
- [FIX] Download/Upload PWA configuration - fixed download/upload web parts on project detail pages
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - added “Clean up lookup table value” setting
Release 5.1.6554.711 @ December, 11 2017
- [FIX] Export SP sites - fixed creating fields with long internal name
- [FIX] Upload projects - fixed updating task custom field values VBA script
- [FIX] Export SP sites - fixed list view web parts upload
- [FIX] Export SP sites - trim vertical tabulation symbol from list item title
- [FIX] Export SP sites - fixed calculated fields export
Release 5.1.6535.671 @ November, 23 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA configuration - skip uploading resource plan views to PWA with engagements feature turned on
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed upload group permissions
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - fixed setting required field values (Project Online)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - added logs to update task custom fields by macros
- [FIX] Download/Upload projects - fixed read/set duration custom field negative values
Release 5.1.6522.652 @ November, 9 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA Configuration - views upload speed improvement
- [FIX] Upload PWA Configuration - set required project and resource field values
- [IMPROVEMENT] Compare PWA Configuration - show source and target field values
- [FIX] Upload projects - updated macro to support quotes in task name
- [FIX] Upload PWA Configuration - fixed exporting formula fields with baseline fields
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - support linking project site to project on another site collection
- [IMPROVEMENT] Sort upload/download summary elements by name
- [UPDATE] Export SharePoint sites - set values for choice fields (instead of merge target values with source values)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - show site column groups
Release 5.1.6508.624 @ October, 26 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Projects Bulk Edit - updated summary, export to Excel
- [IMPROVEMENT] Resources Bulk Edit - updated summary, export to Excel
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload Projects - update master project task custom fields using VBA script (increased performance)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - upload Query String Filter web part
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA Configuration - upload List Viewer web part on PDPs
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload PWA Configuration - updated resource calendar exceptions upload
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export Resources to Excel - export resource availabilities
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export Resources to Excel - export resource calendar exceptions
- [FIX] Import data from Excel - import data from Excel file with cell comments
Release 5.1.6491.573 @ October, 9 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Publish Projects - added projects counter and “Back to Retry” button
- [IMPROVEMENT] Download projects to FPPs - added “Back to Retry” button
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects from FPPs - updated clicker to process “Project cannot connect to link” popup
- [IMPROVEMENT] UI - show wizard title in taskbar
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed loading lists with more than 3000 items
Release 5.1.6472.555 @ September, 20 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - migrate document sets
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - turn off/on leaf node only lookup fields to avoid project upload errors [FIX] Download projects - fixed loading project team from Project Online
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed uploading welcome page to SharePoint Online
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - updated Project Professional automation to click on “Project cannot connect to link” alert
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed uploading Excel documents with connections
- [FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed user mapping
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - delete resource engagements before project upload to avoid Project Professional error
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - improved solutions upload using chrome browser automation (if installed)
Release 5.1.6451.532 @ August, 30 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - added support of moving project sites to other site collection
- [FIX] Resource bulk edit - fixed resetting RBS value
- [FIX] Download PWA configuration - read project permissions
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export PWA configuration to Excel - use “Text” cell type instead of “General” for text values
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - load workflows
- [FIX] Upload PWA configuration - upload EPT from PWA with Project Server permission mode to PWA with SharePoint permission mode
Release 5.1.6439.525 @ August, 18 2017
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload projects - added support of Spanish Project Professional (create project site window)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Upload Project Server configuration - optimize PS formula fields export
- [IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - migrate custom list forms
- [FIX] Upload Project Server configuration - fixed upload workflows to Project Online
- [FIX] Import SharePoint sites - fixed import workflows
Release 5.1.6425.508 @ August, 4 2017
[CHANGE] Removed Full PWA Migration wizard
[IMPROVEMENT] Added TLS 1.2 support
[IMPROVEMENT] Download projects to FPPs - show warnings on summary in case of a project entity was not downloaded successfully
[IMPROVEMENT] Download/upload Project Server configuration - migrate new EPT settings (Project Online)
[FIX] Download resource engagements - read engagements with empty name
[FIX] Import/Export SP lists - fixed migrating lists not found by title
[FIX] Minor UI fixes
Release 5.1.6403.482 @ July, 13 2017
[IMPROVEMENT] Import\Export SharePoint sites - search lists by UID instead of title
[IMPROVEMENT] Download Projects to FPP files - loading custom fields data from OData, if PSI fails
[IMPROVEMENT] Download\Upload Configuration - migrate new EPT settings (project site creation)
[IMPROVEMENT] Upload Projects from FPP files - allow to import master project team for non-Project Online projects
[FIX] Fluentbooks Workspace - fixed recalculation list\libraries size after removing items
[FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed creating folders and items with “&” character in names
Release 5.1.6381.102 @ June, 22 2017
[IMPROVEMENT] Resource mapping - auto resolve resource names in case of all letters are capitalized
[IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - propose saving data after download
[IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - added “Load document versions” setting
[IMPROVEMENT] Import SharePoint sites - loading web part order
[FIX] Import SharePoint sites - loading welcome page from Project Online
[FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed “The target view cannot be configured as a mobile view” error
[IMPROVEMENT] Export SharePoint sites - clean up temp folder upload sites from separate workspaces
[FIX] Export SharePoint sites - fixed uploading list items multi user fields
[IMPROVEMENT] - Export SharePoint sites - resolve site template by EPT in case of workspace modified by script
Release 5.1.6366.98 @ June, 07 2017
[IMPROVEMENT] Upload Engagements - make upload more stable
[IMPROVEMENT] Publish Projects wizard - allow to publish project with custom view in Project Professional
Release 5.1.6352.97 @ May, 24 2017
[NEW] Upload Engagements wizard
[FIX] PWA Configuration download - loading task settings was not working properly on some instances of Project Server 2010 (environment-specific issue)
[IMPROVEMENT] PWA Configuration download - loading of resource plan date range to fully match resource plan dates
[FIX] Upload Projects from FPPs wizard - uploading projects with “Delete selected projects before upload (with project site)” setting was not working properly
[IMPROVEMENT] Download Projects to FPPs wizard - automate Project Professional to ignore popup window in case of loading SharePoint task list projects
[FIX] Export Resources to Excel - exporting resources to Excel was not working properly
Release 5.1.6334.93 @ May, 10 2017
Added “Upload Resource Plan/Engagements” to “Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard
Added possibility to enable/disable engagements upload in “Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard
Improved converting resource plans to engagements
Updated loading resource mapping from Excel
Minor fixes
Release 5.1.6326.92 @ April, 27 2017
Fixed administrative time upload
Account mapping on SP site upload (separate workspaces)
Migrate list view markup (ASPX file)
Updated resources bulk edit wizard (create new resources)
Select folders to upload in Export SP sites wizard
Fixed dependencies compare
Release 5.1.6311.90 @ April, 12 2017
New! Configuration Audit wizard
Fixed master projects upload
Fixed upload projects with non-English Project Pro
Fixed import/export default value for date lookup custom field
Improved Projects Bulk Edit wizard
Fixed uploading SP sites from separate workspace files (web object links)
Release 5.1.6297.87 @ March, 29 2017
Added Dependencies (Portfolio Analyses) to “Compare PWA Configuration” wizard
Added setting Calendar from list to “Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard
Fixed Project Professional 2016 start issues
Fixed description export for PDPs
Fixed description export for Security Categories
Fixed ProjectID import/export and ProjectID setting on EPT
Improved Composed Look export
Release 5.1.6278.80 @ March, 10 2017
Fixed upload resource rates to Project Online
Fixed download documents from SharePoint 2010
Release 5.1.6268.79 @ March, 2 2017
User mapping improvements in “Export SharePoint Sites” wizard
Performance improvement in “Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard on large lists of custom fields
Added calendar, workflow and improved EPT comparison in “Compare PWA Configuration” wizard
UI improvements
Fixed FluentBooks crash on Export Resources to Excel
Release 5.1.6234.77 @ January, 25 2017
Download/upload sites to/from separate workspace files
Convert closed tasks to update (Project Server 2010) to locked tasks (Project Server 2013, 2016, Online)
Added list custom actions support
Fixed projects import/export from/to Excel
Fixed web parts download
Fixed updating document modified by
Release 5.1.6208.74 @ December, 30 2016
UI improvements (combobox for PWA/Site URL in download/upload wizards)
Import/export list custom actions
Fixed list folders import
Minor fixes
Release 5.1.6193.73 @ December, 15 2016
Fixed importing project task date custom field values from Online
Updated PWA configuration comparing
Import/export additional SharePoint group settings: Who can view the membership of the group? and Who can edit the membership of the group?)
Fixed project team export
Export compare summary to Excel performance improvements
EPT departments migration fixed
Read draft project/task/assignments from Online
Release 5.1.6173.70 @ November, 28 2016
Fixed custom fields values import
Fixed Workflow 2010 export
Fixed SharePoint groups import
Improved SharePoint content selection
Fixed SharePoint list items upload with long URLs
Release 5.1.6159.67 @ November, 16 2016
Added “Skip to stage” wizard
Duration format support added for lookup values
Fixed upload project level date custom fields
Updated Engagements upload
Fixed OneNote files migration
Improved export projects to MPP
Improved “select by filter” for Import/Export SP sites
Minor bug fixes
Release 5.1.6150.65 @ November, 3 2016
Added warning to log if project workflow does not have task list
Auto update license on start up fixed
Updated resource calendar exceptions export
Updated web parts upload (to wiki page)
Fixed XsltListViewerWebPart upload
Release 5.1.6128.64 @ October, 12 2016
Added SharePoint group permissions migration
Added SharePoint list event receivers migration
Fixed uploading deliverables linked to tasks (with accepting dependencies)
Fixed Master projects upload
Release 5.1.6093.60 @ September, 07 2016
- FPP wizards
Fixed migration and check-in for project templates
Improved Master projects download (search for mapped resources inside sub-projects)
Fixed summary task name for migrated projects
Change temporary mpp filename to prevent Project Professional cache issues
Fixed Start/End dates migration in some scenarios
Skip import/export impacts for Project Online
- SharePoint Sites wizards
Truncate URL in data fields to prevent “data is invalid” error
Display site URL in Tree View
Changed default number of threads to “1” to prevent throttling in Project Online
Improved Import/Export sites order (human-friendly sorting)
Release 5.1.6064.29 @ August, 08 2016
Hotfixes for Project Online (Switch to CSOM instead of PSI for all project-related functionality)
Fixed Resource Bulk Edit: FluentBooks clears RBS field values
Fixed migration of Survey List
Fixed migration of Quick Launch
Limitations for Project Online (Due to API changes):
Project impacts no longer supported
Project timelines no longer supported
Task Status Managers cannot be updated
Release 5.0.6030.2594 @ July, 07 2016
Fixed update of Time Reporting Periods titles
Fixed error on attempt to set rates for Material Resources
Release 5.0.6016.2592 @ June, 22 2016
- FPP wizards
Fixed ProjectCannotUpdateCostResource error
Improved logging
Improved clicker behavior (popup windows)
Stop uploading FPPs if resource mapping failed
Bugfixes for updating task custom fields using macros (special symbols)
Fixed migration of tasks Status Managers in subprojects
- Miscellaneous
Fixed exporting List Forms on Export SharePoint Sites
Added support of EdgeAccessCookie
Release 5.0.5998.2590 @ June, 08 2016
Export Projects to FPP files wizard improvements (visible Project Pro)
Fixed resource mapping on upload FPPs
Fixed Back To Retry button on Upload FPPs
Resource Engagements Views fix
Import Resources from Excel fix (trim claim)
Engagements upload and import from External EPM bugfixes
Updated workflow export (resolve by name)
Updated delegates export
Fixed import extra lookups
Fixed upload PDPs to localized PWA
Fixed migration of Status Managers in Subprojects
Release 5.0.5970.2500 @ May, 11 2016
- Core
Improved migration of project templates
Force creating resources, fields and lookups with new UIDs is now true by default
Improved migration of Portfolio Analyses
Fixed updating assignment-level custom fields
Rethrow exception on export workflow
- External EPM wizard
Resource Engagements support
Resolve task for assignment by UID
Support multivalue lookup fields
Forcefully set project calendar to Standard
Task predecessors support
Skip to stage for imported projects
- Export SharePoint Sites wizard
Fixed incorrect behavior of Workflows selection
Fixed Column Validation formula for OOB list Columns
Fixed creating List Columns with long internal names
- Miscellaneous
Export projects to FPP: added task mapping step
Import workspace data from Excel: fixed import Administrative Time
Upload FPPs: make workflow-controlled fields not required during upload only if Skip To Stage checked
Release 5.0.5928.2395 @ March, 30 2016
Fixed migration of subsites with long URLs
Fixed import external EPM data (lists content types)
Fixed list columns creation (add to content type)
Fixed Modified date in List items
Fixed Full PWA Migration (file name is too long)
Bugfixes and improvements
Release 5.0.5919.2366 @ March, 16 2016
Migrate Project ID (Project Online/Project Server 2016)
Update formulas in SharePoint lists
Added digital code signature to installer
Migrate sites with more than 3000 files in document library
Migrate hidden attribute for list columns
Misc fixes in FluentBooks core and Full PWA Migration wizard
Fix for tasks download count limit exceed (10000)
Release 5.0.5905.2312 @ March, 02 2016
Added Import SharePoint Lists from Excel
Added Import/Export of Administrative Time to/from Excel
Extended Generate Documentation of PWA Configuration
Minor bugfixes and improvements
Release 5.0.5890.2283 @ February, 17 2016
Fixed resource mapping in FPP wizard
Workflow upload improvement
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements
Release 5.0.5876.2229 @ February, 03 2016
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements
Release 5.0.5862.2172 @ January, 20 2016
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements
Release 5.0.5834.2060 @ December, 22 2015
Fixed resources and projects compare
UI changes in Community Edition
Technical improvements
Release 5.0.5833.2053 @ December, 21 2015
Community Edition added.
Large Lists support added.
Bugfixes and improvements
Release 4.0.5819.1978 @ December, 07 2015
Bulk Edit Resource rates for material Resources.
Upload Projects from FPP files improved.
Bugfixes and improvements
Release 4.0.5813.1957 @ December, 01 2015
Fixed Full PWA Migration Wizard launch issue
Project Pro Integration Improvements
Release 4.0.5812.1951 @ November, 30 2015
Resource Calendar Exceptions support added
Optimizations for opening/saving large workspaces.
Migration of Assignments to Cost Resources from External EPM added
Resources mapping added to migration of Projects
Productivity improvements
Release 4.0.5767.1790 @ October, 16 2015
Migration of Projects via FPP-files improved
Local Calendars support added
External ID resource field support added
Project Online API changes support added
Timesheets migration added
Bugfixes and improvements
Release 4.0.5702.1654 @ August, 18 2015
Create project with CSOM if PSI create failed
Release 4.0.5702.1651 @ August, 17 2015
Hotfix for Project Online API changes
Local Calendars support added
Minor bug fixes.
Release 4.0.5682.1616 @ July, 23 2015
Fixed migration of task status managers
Project permissions migration implemented
Minor bug fixes.
Release 4.0.5679.1609 @ July, 20 2015
Publish Projects wizard added
Bulk Edit Resources Rates implemented
Compare Project Plans wizard added
Compare Resources implemented
Installer and Licensing changes
Bugfixes and improvements.
Release @ April, 30 2015
Bug fixes in FPP wizards:
Master projects migration added
Task fields migration fixed
Performance improvements for project schedules migration
Minor bug fixes.
Release @ April, 03 2015
Fix in “Bulk Export SharePoint Site” wizard
Minor bug fixes.
Release @ March, 17 2015
Authentication issues for Project Online resolved
New installer.
Release @ March, 13 2015
Security Groups and Categories migration issues resolved
FluentBooks window UI fixes
Enterprise Calendar migration issue resolved
SharePoint content migration improvements and bugfixes:
Export SharePoint Sites wizard fails to associate a site with a project.
List Items duplication issue resolved
Added possibility to change list item content type during migration
Site Navigation migration improvements
SharePoint migration settings added
SharePoint migration summary added
FluentBooks fails to upload published documents to a Document Library - resolved
List Workflow is not associated with the list when uploading only workflow - resolved
Export SharePoint Sites wizard doesn't attempt to link the site with the project in case custom site template has been selected - resolved
Download Projects to FPP files wizard added
Upload Projects from FPP files wizard added
Full PWA migration wizard added
Quick Launch migration issue resolved
Details web part is not migrated from 2013 to Online - resolved
FluentBooks child windows issue resolved
FluentBooks help links added
New feature: update Resource Earliest/Latest Available fields via Excel Bulk Edit
Lookups Bulk Edit resets the separators - resolved
Import External EPM data wizard - custom Columns support in Risks/Issues/Deliverables.
Compare wizards improved (compare Workflow Stages, Security Groups and Categories)
Incorrect export of Category permissions in Security Groups when exporting to a PWA with AD sync - resolved
Task Status Manager migration implemented
Task Settings and Display - 'Define Near Future Planning Window' setting migration added